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Do You Need a Lawyer to Defend You against a Traffic Ticket?
Although receiving a traffic ticket is never fun, the majority of people have at least one or two throughout their...

California Red Light Camera Tickets
The Most Trusted Traffic Ticket Attorneys in California. We Fight, You Relax™ If you have received a red light camera...
Keeping Your License and Maintaining Insurance Rates: The Benefits of Traffic School
After you receive a traffic ticket, your choices are to fight the ticket, admit guilt and pay the fine, or attend...
Suspended License? Your Guide to a DMV Hearing
For example, if you receive a DUI your license is automatically suspended by the DMV. When your driving privileges are...
What to Do If You Get a Ticket for Driving without a License
Driving without a valid license is a violation of California Vehicle Code Section 12500. If you received a traffic...
Can You Be Ticketed for Driving with an Out-of-State License?
Legally, and barring certain age restrictions, you are allowed to drive in California with a valid out-of-state...
What to Do If You’re Involved in a Traffic Accident in California
You may be thinking that a ticket means you cannot receive compensation from the accident, but that’s not the case....
Your Guide to the California Points System
There are major consequences for receiving points, which is why it’s a good idea to speak with a traffic ticket...
How to Fight a Traffic Ticket in California
We Help You Fight Your Traffic Ticket At An Affordable Price California law adds a 20 percent surcharge as well as...
What to Do When You Get a Reckless Driving Ticket
According to California Law Section 23103 “A person who drives a vehicle upon a highway in willful or wanton disregard...
What to Do If You Get a Speeding Ticket in California
Speeding is not only one of the most common traffic citations issued in the state of California—which also happens to...